Poise-Stokes Converter

Created by Luis Hoyos
Last updated: Jul 06, 2022

If you need a tool to convert kinematic viscosity to dynamic viscosity, this poise stokes converter is for you!

To convert from centistokes to centipoise (cP to cSt), you need to know the density of the fluid. You can look it up with our density calculator (we have predefined density values for many materials).

Once you've mastered this poise stokes converter, you can learn more about water viscosity and how temperature affects it by checking out our water viscosity calculator.

Kinematic and dynamics viscosity

In one-dimensional shear flow on Newtonian fluids, viscosity is a fluid property that relates the fluid shear stress to its strain rate:

τ=η(du/dy)\tau = \eta(\text{d}u/\text{d}y)


  • τ\tau - Shear stress;
  • η\eta - Dynamic viscosity; and
  • du/dy\text{d}u/\text{d}y - Shear strain.

Kinematic viscosity is simply dynamic viscosity divided by density:

ν=η/ρν = η/ρ


  • νν - Kinematic viscosity;
  • ηη - Dynamic viscosity; and
  • ρρ - Fluid density.

The importance of this new type of viscosity is because, in fluid mechanics, the ratio of dynamic viscosity to density often arises.

How to convert centistokes to centipoise (cSt to cP)

To convert kinematic viscosity to dynamic viscosity (centistokes to centipoise):

  1. The first step to converting cSt to cP is determining the fluid density in kg/m³. If your density is not in kg/m³, you can use our density converter or:
    • If the density is in g/cm³, multiply it by 1000 to convert it to kg/m³.
    • If the density is in on/in³, multiply it by 1730.
    • If it is in lb/ft³, multiply it by 16.02.
  2. Multiply the kinematic viscosity (in cSt) by the density.
  3. Divide the previous result by 1000.
  4. That's it. Alternatively, you can use our poise stokes converter and do it faster.

Instead of following the previous steps or using the poise stokes converter, you can use the following formula:

η (in cP)=ρ (in kg/m³)×ν (in cSt)1000η\ (\text{in cP}) = \frac{ρ\ (\text{in kg/m³}) × ν\ (\text{in cSt})}{1000}


  • η(in cP)η (\text{in cP}) — Dynamic viscosity, in centipoise;
  • ρ(in kg/m³)ρ (\text{in kg/m³}) — Density, in kg/m³;
  • ν(in cSt)ν (\text{in cSt}) — Kinematic viscosity, centistoke.
Luis Hoyos
ν = η/ρ
Density (ρ)
lb/cu ft
Dynamic viscosity (η)
Kinematic viscosity (ν)
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