Random Number Generator

Created by Luciano Mino
Last updated: Feb 18, 2023

Our random number generator can produce pseudorandom numbers ranging from -999,999,999,999,999 to 999,999,999,999,999, and is packed with a ton of different features to create random numbers or lists.

This tool works as a:

  • Random number generator;
  • Random number generator from 1 to 10;
  • Random number generator - no repeats; and as a
  • Random number list generator or random sequence generator.

In the following short text, we will show you how to use this random number generator and give a brief explanation of how to generate random numbers.

How do random number generators work?

RNG stands for random number generator. These are devices capable of producing a sequence of numbers that can't be predicted.

Since computers are entirely deterministic, they can't produce true random numbers. That's why we call them "pseudorandom number generators". This generator, for example, works using an algorithm within the JavaScript function Math.random()).

To produce true random numbers, they must always rely on external information.

So, what type of external information do they use? They can utilize data from hardware that measures a random physical phenomenon, such as background radiation or radioactive atoms decay. See the half life calculator to learn more about the latter.

What are the odds of you correctly predicting the outcome of our number generator when selecting values from 1 to 10? Check it with our probability calculator!

How to use the random number generator and random number list generator

Our random number generator includes multiple options. Let's go through each one:

  • Generate: here, we can choose to generate either one or multiple numbers. If we select "multiple numbers", another prompt will appear where we can enter the amount of random numbers to generate.
  • Minimum/maximum values: as their name implies, these options allow us to select the range for our random number. E.g., if we want to create a random number between 1-10, we would put "1" in "minimum value" and "10" inside the "maximum value" field.

Next, we can see the generator output or further specify the number by clicking the advanced mode below the generator.

Here, we have new options:

  • Type of number(s): with this option, we can choose between integers and decimals.
  • Include min/max: we can select if the calculator should include the minimum/maximum value, both, or none among the possible number outcomes.
  • Allow duplicates (only if "multiple numbers" is selected): this option allows the generator to repeat numbers when creating a list of values. If we want to use this tool as a random number generator with no repeats, we should set this option to "no".
  • Sort results: lastly, we can sort the results from smallest to largest by setting this option to "yes".

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Luciano Mino
one number
Minimum value
Maximum value
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